Goode Greenhouses

Goode Greenhouses

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Search results for plants in the category Vegetables
Kohlrabi Early White Vienna
Round, light-green, planetary bulbs are packed with creamy white, tender flesh with a sweet turnipy flavor.
Lettuce Buttercrunch
Large, tender, compact heads with crisp leaves. Heat resistant.
Muskmelon Cantaloupe Fastbreak
Early maturing and wonderful eating quality. Large yields of 3-4 lb. fruit.
Peas Sugar Snap
Sweet, crisp pods, Sugar Snap germinates well in cold, wet soil, and the vigorous plants quickly produce a thick stand.
Pepper Anaheim
Long, Tapperd pepper that is flat, thick walled and smooth. Mild flavor is good for roasting. Green turning red pepper that is 5" x 3".
Pepper Ancho Poblano Sanchez
These are referred to as Ancho when they are red and dried and Poblano when they are fresh and green. Roast for use in salads or dry and grind for chili powder. About 8 times milder than a Jalapeno.
Pepper Carmen
Distinctive, tapered Italian bull's horn shaped fruit. Medium-thick. Very sweet raw or cooked.
Pepper Cayenne Long Thin
Producing an abundance of very wrinkled fruits that grow 5-6" long. The fruits have thin flesh and are used fresh in hot sauces or dried and ground for cayenne pepper.
Pepper Ghost
This is the super hot pepper that started it all. It held the World's Hottest Pepper title for 4 years from 2007-2011. Insanely hot.
Pepper Golden Wonder
Smooth, blocky & blunt-ended peppers are 4-lobed, thick walled with a very sweet, mild flavor. Green changing to deep golden-yellow.
Goode Greenhouses
1050 NE 50th Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 50313
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