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Search results for plants in the category Roses
Rose Floribunda Celestial Night
Lush cupped and quartered, old-fashioned form that makes a stunning presentation both on the bushy plants and in a vase.
Rose Floribunda Easy Spirit
The upright compact plant with clean glossy green foliage is the ideal backdrop.
Rose Floribunda Forever Amber
An English-style rose, warm apricot color that stays vibrant through the hottest days of summer.
Rose Floribunda Frida Kahlo
The striking vibrant rounded flowers are set in small clusters on a healthy disease resistant plant with clean glossy leaves produced on a compact upright vigorous plant.
Rose Floribunda George Burns
Full and rounded, ruffled, full and decorative flowers.
Rose Floribunda Intrigue
dark green leaves, bushy rounded plant, established plants give more blooms and best color
Rose Floribunda Life of the Party
Blooms have a powerful perfume that draws people in to take a closer look at her old-fashioned blooms of soft yellow that finish with a kiss of pink on the petal edges. Plus, she has a well-be-haved habit and vigorous, dark green, glossy leaves that give her plenty of energy to generate a nearly endless supply of blooms.
Rose Floribunda Oh My
This is the red that Americans love…deep enough, velvety enough, bright enough, long-lasting enough…it's just right. Better yet, that color comes in great clusters of ruffled flowers showing off against the backdrop of glossy dark red-green leaves with very good disease resistance. Cooler temps bring out the best flower form.
Rose Floribunda Pumpkin Patch
buttery-rich coppery buds, clusters of flowers, shiny green leaves, appreciates a little afternoon shade
Rose Floribunda Queen of Elegance
Multi petaled, old fashioned medium pink and large flowers.
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Des Moines, Iowa 50313
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