Goode Greenhouses

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Search results for plants in the category Trees
Apple Honeycrisp
An exciting apple that is exceptionally crisp and juicy. Flavor is sweet but well-balanced. Excellent storage life, up to 7 months.
Apple KinderKrisp
Great flavor and crisp texture, much like its parent Honeycrisp, this early ripening variety features much smaller fruit. Perfect size for snacking or kid's lunches, with a good balance of sweet flavors and a crisp, juicy bite.
Apple McIntosh
A well-known older apple that has a sprightly flavor and a medium storage life. Nearly solid, bright red skin. Heavy bearer. Good for eating and baking. Fruit tends to drop when ripe.
Apple Sweet Sixteen
Medium-sized red striped apple with crisp, juicy texture. Excellent sweet, unusual flavor - like cherry candy. Outstanding dessert apple. Fire blight resistant.
Medium sized dark red apple with great flavor. Cream colored flesh is juicy with full spicy flavors. Late ripening. Use for fresh eating and cooking.
Cherry First Editions ® Sweet Cherry Pie™
They are fantastic for jams, jellies and pies. With its compact size, this is a great tree for the home garden or small orchard.
Cherry Montmorency
Large, tart red fruit for pie or preserves. Fruit firm and juicy. Vigorous and highly productive.
Cherry North Star Dwarf
Prunus cerasus
Attractive, densely foliated, naturally small tree. Very productive, resists cracking and brown rot. Often bears in second year. Large, meaty, tart, red-skinned fruit with red juice. Excellent for pies and cobblers, also used fresh when fully ripe. Rootstock: Mahaleb, semi-dwarf
Ginkgo Autumn Gold
A male selection of ginkgo with a symmetrical conical form, turning broader with age. A nice yellow fall color.
Magnolia Ann- pink
Magnolia x
It has lightly scented red-purple, 7-9” flowers that emerge from beautifully tapered buds.
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Des Moines, Iowa 50313
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